Stages of the Prophetic Journey
As a Prophet you will go through different stages in your walk. Most often your journey starts out with you feeling like the most insignificant worm – crawling on your belly, stamped on and treated horribly. You…
Jesus Was Picky
When you look at whom Jesus chose to become His twelve disciples, you will see that He was very selective. And He put some of them through tests before He accepted them. Yes sure, He had a…
Essentials Needed When Rising Up in Ministry
There are so many misconceptions going around about how to find your calling. So many wrong ways to go about it. And so many wrong motivations being the factor behind wanting to find out in the first…
Marks of a Fivefold Teacher
God is busy raising up a new breed of Teachers. And we will see many of them being released into the Body of Christ in the near future. Their job won’t be only to equip believers, but…
Fulfilling God’s Calling Means Letting Go of Comfort Zones
It’s freezing here today at the ministry center in South Africa. Temperatures have plummeted, the rain has brought the cold weather. Wrapped up in layers of thick clothes and cuddly blankets, I am almost unable to move.…
Walking On Water
Matthew 14, 28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water. 29 And he said, Come. And when Peter had come down out of the…
Leaving Your Business Cares Behind
Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD [Yahweh], and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears He lay there in the middle of the night. Surrounded by darkness, all his eyes could see was the…
How to Get People Buy Your Products
It’s Really True… this principle really works. But let me start at the beginning. The other day we went out to the store for some shopping. We walked up and down the aisles, just browsing and looking.…