Leaving Your Comfort Zone
by Nadine Stohler
Comfort zones really can hold you back. They might be good for a while, but if you want to grow in the Lord (and in your life as a whole) you have to let go of the walls of your safe zone and take some risks.
Yes, you might fail and get hurt in the process, and some might even have to face loneliness after stepping out. Trust me, I have been there in all of these scenarios and while they aren’t the nicest experiences they definitely didn’t kill me either. I look back at them today and thank the Lord for each one. For it is these experiences that kept me reaching out further and for more.
If everything would just go right, life would be boring. And the Lord never promised us such a life.
These are risks you have to take and that come with the territory of rising up as His kind of leader. It’s not always smooth sailing if you are reaching for deeper waters and have your eyes set on new land.
But through it all you will grow. At the same time your faith in the Lord will grow to a new level as well.
How exciting, right? In the end that is what you are wanting and He is showing you the way to get there!
So don’t kick against it, get into debates or have sleepless nights over it. Embrace it, step over the line and run for it with all that you have!
You will experience things you have never before. And in the process you will be transformed into a new person and become more like Him.
If that is what you have reached out for, know that God is waiting for you. He is ready to do His part.
So step out boldly and unafraid, not wavering when things begin to feel uncomfortable for you.
You are on your way of taking new land. Just keep trusting the Lord in the process and soon you will find your feet on steady ground again.
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