Prophetic Word for 2024
As I stood in the presence of the Lord, He led me to see different doors and gates in the Spirit. Some of them looked ancient; others looked like brass gates, silver gates, and gates of pure gold. Then others looked like normal doors of different colors. What each had in common was that they were shut.
They were about to open up and the King was about to enter and walk through in greater Glory than ever seen before.
When I asked the Lord more about the full meaning and application of this vision, He led me to Psalm 24. A psalm I have been reading and pondering many times over the last 5 to 6 months. God – the King of Glory – wants to enter in; into the lives of His children and the ministries and churches of His servants and leaders.
King of Glory Entering In
He wants to enter into every aspect of our day-to-day lives, our businesses and jobs, our relationships, our ministries, and our desires and dreams. He wants to enter as the King of Glory and the Lord of Hosts.
At a time when you don’t have to look far at what the enemy is doing and up to, the Lord wants to invade His people and His Church with a fresh outpouring and presence.
I’ve been receiving different visions and impressions over the last few weeks, and I sense in my Spirit that I finally have the liberty to bring it all together in one word to present as the Word for 2024 that God has given to me.
At the forefront of this, I sense the above-mentioned vision is the key and the ultimate of what we will see Him do. Its focus is to see Him enter and allow Him to take over completely.
I wasn’t aware at first that most of what He had shown me over the weeks is connected to Psalm 24, but there are extra elements that He has revealed to me as you will see.
New Voices Arising from the Wilderness
I believe we will see many come out of a wilderness time in the Body of Christ with a new voice and result in their hearts.
Some were led into this time by the Lord as preparation; others were getting lost and tested by the enemy in a personal wilderness season. I sense that the Lord is turning the seasons, and many voices that have not been heard are about to be heard in the Body of Christ.
As it was with John the Baptist, so will we hear the voices of those who proclaim the way of the Lord. New voices will arise, and many of them will be young voices and that of a younger generation. However, it won’t be one-sided or just a movement led by young people. I also saw many seasoned voices finally coming to the forefront. Many of them were patient and faithful to wait their turn to be heard. These voices will be brought into the light to bring stability, wisdom, strength, and most of all, maturity.
Leaders Linking Arms and Working Together
I saw a vision of how leaders of all kinds of denominations, along with leaders of non-denominational Churches and organizations, linked hands to move forward. Their claim wasn’t their positions or their doctrines but their heart for Jesus and to make Him known.
I’ve had some talks with different leaders about this, and many have voiced the desire and feel the call to lay down pride, selfish motivations, and preconceived judgment at the feet of Jesus and to grab each other’s arms to move forward as one unit. God has been the orchestrator of this and we will see it grow and strengthen in 2024.
Expect to see unlike groups of people and leaders mix with each other to worship and lift up the Name of Jesus together. They will be given strategies from the Lord on how to reach more people, how to reach deeper into communities with the gospel, and how to turn around even whole cities for Him and for His Glory. You will see a mix of different anointings and mandates intertwined, one Body coming together under the Lordship of Jesus and King of Glory and its unity leading to a bigger field of harvest.
Bringing in a Great Harvest
Speaking of the harvest, I’ve had dreams and visions of huge wheat fields that are ready to be picked and harvested. The Lord showed me that we will see in 2024 a greater harvest coming in than ever before. I saw a clock that turned faster than usual – time was speeding up, and the arms or hands of the clock moved around the hour very fast.
Believers Being Called to Action/to Be the Light They Are
I sensed in my Spirit that time is of the essence! Each believer is called to and encouraged (some perhaps perceive this as a challenge) by the Lord to position themselves to be counted for. It’s a year of action and of doing what you were prepared for in the years previous to 2024. Now is not the time to step back or stay on the sidelines. Instead, time is crucial to move forward and take the land. The Lord leads many out of the wilderness to possess the Promised Land and step into promises He has given them over years which haven’t manifested yet. They are about to become a reality as I hear marching armies in the Spirit and sense activity taking place.
Each believer is called to step out and be a light. This isn’t just a word or call for some chosen ones. The Lord, the King of Glory, wants to invade each of His precious children’s lives. The purpose of this is for His Glory to fill them so they will carry it out to others again. In doing so, His Glory indeed will cover the earth.
Greater Movement in the Streets
This will lead to greater movements in the streets and at schools, workplaces and the like. The Lord showed me that His Glory will be poured out on the streets and the homes first before it will fill and invade the empty Churches once more again. It will come over the smaller gatherings and places, in homes and unexpected places. From there, it will rise and fill the Churches once more with the move of His Spirit and His Presence, and therefore, with people who hunger for Him and His truth.
This ties in with the next revelation He gave me, which is that awakenings will begin to take place worldwide. Not in one place alone nor just one country or on one continent. Rather these awakenings and revivals will take place in rapid matter and even simultaneously all over the globe.
Establishment of New Evangelistic Works – But No Longer Independent
With the promise of a great harvest, we will see the Lord move mightily in the evangelistic circles and establish many new evangelistic-oriented works.
However, they will differ from the past and they will be given new blueprints adn ways on how to carry the Gospel to the end of the earth. They also will not do this on their own as it was often seen in past movements.
God is calling and sending many, but I saw the Evangelists working together with the rest of the Fivefold and no longer independently or just with other Evangelists.
I saw that there is going to be a new link between the Prophets and the Evangelists, where the Prophets go ahead in the Spirit and lay the groundwork for the works that are to be established. This isn’t something new, as Prophets are in the business of digging up the ground in the Spirit – and preparing the way for the Lord – by speaking forth and proclaiming His will into the earth.
I believe we will also see a greater connection take place due to the warfare that will surround these movements and works. While the Evangelists expand the territories in the natural, it is the prophets that take the ground in the spiritual realm through Spiritual warfare and decree and cover through prayers of intercession.
Involvement of All of the Fivefold Ministry
Yet not just the Prophets will be involved in this; a greater connection will take place between all of the Fivefold Ministry and them working even more closely together.
A greater harvest and an influx of thousands of souls at a quick rate means that Pastors are needed to receive the sheep to nurture and look after them. They are needed to bring healing and wholeness. The teachers in the Body are to instruct, equip, train and help those young sheep grow strong and sturdy. The Prophets once more are involved with the handling of the sheep to lead them into a personal relationship with the Lord – where they get to know Him, His voice and are known by Him.
The Apostles are there to oversee the process of all of this and help each of the Fivefold find their place and equip them for the work. There is no highlighting going to take place on one of the fivefold ministries above the other at this time. Rather, it is the Lord setting them each into their roles and getting them to function together finally.
Persecution Increasing
While we will certainly witness a greater move of His Spirit and Glory, God revealed that we will also see greater persecution and opposition from the enemy arise against the Church and the true followers of Christ.
This isn’t to create fear, be negative, or even warn, but rather to bring awareness of and prepare one’s heart. I saw this in a positive sense, connected to the vision of seeing a beautiful mountain ahead that waits to be climbed and conquered.
God is calling His people to ascend on His holy mountain. He calls His people to come closer and seek His face deeper and more earnestly than ever before. His presence is key when it comes to the Glory of God, and if we want to bring a change that is seen and felt by others, HIS presence is what will make the difference. We can no longer rely on great charisma or good leadership practices or principles to accomplish this. It will be His Presence and the shine of His Glory on the people’s faces when they descend the mountain again that will make the difference.
So God will call many to consecrate themselves for times in His presence, where He will impart new strategies, empower them and share His plans.
Climbing a mountain in a natural sense takes preparation, endurance, and discipline. The same applies in the spiritual realm and encountering God on His Holy mountain.
Fear of God Falling and Holiness Increasing
Connected to the ascending of the holy mountain of God, I believe that 2024 will be a year of seeing an increase in the fear of God falling on people. In turn, this will lead to a greater move of holiness amongst His people.
Holiness is a lost art in the body of Christ and a term that makes many people feel uneasy or even cringe at its mention. Some get on offense immediately and connect it to legalism, thus not even allowing themselves to be touched by it. Others think holiness is a way to condemn others, push them into the dirt, and highlight their sin. It is neither of these.
But true holiness is pure in its form and origin. And to be holy is a desire that should come out in each of us when we spend time in the Presence of the King of Glory. It should come as naturally as an apple tree producing apples, as we stay connected to the vine and allow His sap to flow through us completely.
Old Seeds Being Germinated
To end this Word, the last revelation I received from Him to share is that many old seeds have been laying dormant behind those gates and doors – seeds that will now germinate and lead to fruit. This will happen in new ways and not in old ways; there is no going backward to previous moves and repeating the same. That’s not the purpose.
Many seeds are from eras of the past (movements and even revivals), but also seeds in people’s own hearts from encounters they have had with the Lord.
Many thought they had lost them or sowed in waste, but the Lord will bring forth something fresh and new from what has been sown. He will water them with His Spirit and His Glory and breathe new life altogether over them as the time is now for the completion and fulfillment of these sown seeds.
And He is saying:
“My kingdom is here and the time is now, to enter the gates as the King of Glory. You will see many great works in you and around you as you align with my will and open your heart and your door wide to invite me in.
My arm has never been too short to save. And while it may have seemed that previous years have been tainted by gross darkness – and this is all many still can see – I am on the move and ready to invade my bride and my people with a Glory so beautiful and great that has never been seen before.
Indeed, this will be a year of releasing the greatest power upon my people and my Church. It’s going to be a year of great activity and spreading my gospel and truth over the world.
Get ready then and expect me to use you as I call on you. Be willing to go when I say ‘go’ and to obey my voice when I speak to you.
And do not be afraid of what might come but prepare yourself to follow through and take hold of the promises I have given you. For indeed, in me they are yes and amen, and I surely have prepared you for what lies ahead!” says the Lord.
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One Comment
I was just thinking about how Jesus said we are the branches and He is the vine. The branches don’t do anything but relieve the fruits and produce.